Roadside Table (SIGNS: #AtoZChallenge): Guest Post


Roadside TableJenelle struggled to unbuckle the sweating child from the car seat. Traffic roared by, carelessly coming within inches. At last she hefted the toddler to her shoulder, grabbed the faded Hello Kitty bag from the seat, and made her way to the weathered picnic table. Sickly pines cast what shade they could over the two.

She rummaged and came up with a cereal bar and water. A sorry little picnic. Broken-down car. There goes our wonderful day. Damn!
They fed crumbs to some birds. A frisky squirrel ran by swishing his tail.
Mommy…this is FUN!”
Jenelle squeezed her tightly.
This is a guest post by Ms. Lisa Vooght of Flash Fiction. I met Lisa in 2011 doing our respective first AtoZ Challenge. It has been a great pleasure and a highlight of that first challenge for me.
Check out her blog for wonderful stories and non-fiction posts. This month she is doing an amazing series on Character Development: check it out!!  You’ll also find a guest post by yours truly on her blog on April 29th. Enjoy!!


For the April 2014 A to Z Blog Challenge, you will find a story a day (except Sundays) from me. A to Z: Staring with A on Tuesday, April 1st and ending with Z on Wednesday, April 30th.

Signs is my theme for this year’s outing. Road signs, building signs, warning signs…Signs alert us to a multitude of messages. My plan is to use the alphabet through Signage, but not to stick to what the sign was originally intended to convey. So, the genre of story writing, and styles, of the posts will vary as my mood and interpretation sees fit. Possibly a poem or two. We’ll see.

I’m also trying something more of a challenge: each post will be a Drabble. A Drabble is 100 Words Exactly.

Hope you enjoy the stories.

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