Every Saturday, 10:00 am to Noon, EST

Saturday Mornings Alright For Writing!!

Daydreamers Write: Prompts and Challenges is a weekly virtual writing group that runs along the generative (prompt) bandwagon.

I felt there were a plethora of prompt groups, critique groups, memoir groups, dithering groups. I’m a member of a number of them. Not the dithering groups. Brrrrrr.  Zoom does your mind good!

DWPC is a two-hour session, featuring two separate writing prompts. One prompt per hour in 25-minute bites. Sharing happens, then feedback and the writers are ready for the next prompt at 11:00.

Or, are they?

The procedure above is followed by one little change: the second prompt is also the Challenge round.

It changes every week. It is meant to take the writer out of their comfort zone and stretch their writing chops. We’ll never do the same challenge two weeks in a row. Pinky swear.

Up for something creative on a Saturday morning during imprisonment health isolation?


To join us, please go to our MeetUp Page.

Click on the Events link, find the date you’d like to attend, and please RSVP that you will be joining us.

Have fun as we build a writing community. Everyone is welcome if the time zone can fit.

Hope to see you there.


For writers who are serious about their WIP and beyond, I co-host RevitalWriters: Critique. Done. Write. Thursday evenings, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, EST. This is a forming Cohort.