Interview With The Writer: JC Martin, of Fighter Writer


Why An Interview on Tale Spinning?

I will be co-hosting, in October 2011, a month long Fiction Writers Blog Fest called The Rule of Three. We created a shared world set in the town of Renaissance, gave it it’s setting, some of it’s history, the potential for it’s future…but the stories of the inhabitants of Renaissance, ah…those we’ll find out together. (For my teaser story, click HERE).

All the information will be unleashed on Wednesday, August 31st. Plenty of time to sign into the project. The Basics: create a 3 person story arc, one posting per week for three weeks (with prompts provided if you need them), each posting dealing with the story you are building towards through the POV of one of your three characters. There will be one more posting, the culmination of the story you’ve been telling week by week, one final burst into the story you’ve set in Renaissance.  Yes, very Rashomon.

As to the interviews…I’d like you to meet my c0-hosts.

Interview With The Writer: J.C. Martin

I was recently introduced to JC Martin the person though a shared acquaintance, Damyanti Biswas. I had been familiar with her through her blog, J.C. Martin, Fighter Writer, and I know she is very well known and well liked in the blog universe.

JC is joining Damyanti Biswas, Lisa Vooght and myself as we embark on a fiction writers blogfest that we created. The full announcement will be going up on August 31st, but you can get a sneak peak here (story and link to some of the information). JC brings a lot of writing and blog fest experience to our small but humble group, and we are lucky to have her aboard.

Can you tell the readers about JC Martin the author?

I’m kind of new to the writing world. In the past, I’ve dabbled a bit in writing fan fiction and other bits and bobs, but the last year was my first as a serious writer. To free up more time for writing, I had a career change, leaving school-teaching to become a full time martial arts instructor. So far, I’ve had some short stories published in various anthologies, plus I set up and co-edited the charity anthology Stories for Sendai. I begin querying my novel right about…now! *eep*

Oh, and you can find me blogging at J.C. Martin, Fighter Writer. I’m also on Facebook and on Twitter.

How would you describe your writing style?

Feedback from a couple of agents described my style as “very commercial”, so it looks like I’m not going to be the next Toni Morrison. 😉 Doesn’t bother me, though, as I write stories that are heavy on the action. I like to think of my style as the lovechild of Stephen King and old-school James Patterson: simple, straightforward language, with a heavy-hitting story.

Are you a writer who blogs or a blogger who writes? Is there a difference?

I believe the difference lies behind your intentions of starting a blog. If your blog is there to establish a platform, then you’re a writer who blogs. If you’ve just been keeping an online journal and decided to pursue a career in writing, then you’re a blogger who writes. I’m one of the former. Blogging’s still pretty new to me.

What writer(s) have inspired you, and why?

Stephen King’s perseverance through hardships and his wicked imagination. His part-memoir, part-how-to book On Writing has been one of the most useful books on the craft I’ve read.

What are your thoughts about self publishing? Have you already or do you plan to?

I think it can work if you have marketing savvy and an established fan base, but there is a lot of work involved that will take time away from writing. Apart from Stories for Sendai, and perhaps another short story collection I’m working on, I’m planning on going the traditional route with my novels, just for that extra little bit of guidance along the way. Plus, I believe traditional publishing will expose my book to a wider audience.

I know you like Blogfests. Can you tell us what draws you to them? What was your favorite one?

They can be fantastic writing prompts that really get the creative juices flowing. Plus they are excellent places to meet fellow writers and to discover new talent. I enjoy reading all the different takes on the same theme, and to learn more about my writer pals. I’m not sure if it counts as a blogfest, but I enjoyed Rachael Harrie’s 2nd Writers’ Platform-Building Crusade. The writing challenges were tough but fun, and very useful. Also, any blogfest on writing queries, pitches, or involving an agent is a win in my books!

You are one of the co-hosts of The Rule of Three Fiction Writers Blog Fest. What excites you about this, to take this on?

Damyanti @ amloki approached me about the blogfest, and because she’s a good friend, I knew she must be onto something. I’m excited to read all the fascinating takes on the town of Renaissance by participants that will incorporate the rule of three, plus I’m intrigued by the additional mystery prompts. This sounds like the most challenging blogfest ever! It’s definitely the biggest I’ve helped organize, but I’m in great company!

Anything else you’d like the reader to know?

Can I do a shameless plug here for Stories for Sendai? 100% of profits go towards aid efforts in the earthquake and tsunami hit regions of Japan. There are 19 short stories and a poem written by wonderful writers who contributed their works free for the good of the cause. By purchasing a copy, you’ll not only be doing your bit for charity, you’ll be helping these writers gain some exposure! E-book version available on Amazon and print versions available here and here.

If you could have a summit with world leaders, and they HAD to answer your questions, what two or three questions would you want answered most?

Uh-oh…I’m not a politics/world events kind of gal. Maybe…how they plan on preserving the wildlife in the world’s oceans, rainforests and natural habitats, without compromising the livelihood of the peoples living within or near these habitats? Oh, and it would be awesome if some sort of international writing grant could be set up so writers can concentrate on writing, and not have to get a full time job!  😉


Thank you very much Jin. 

Please come back the next two days, as Lisa (8/29) and Damyanti (8/30)  explore the same questions, and continue to meet the three amazing women I am working with.

Be HERE on August 31st for the full disclosure of The Rule of Three: Renaissance, where everyone has a secret!

18 responses »

  1. Pingback: J.C. Martin, Fighter Writer » Interview on Tale Spinning

  2. Yeeeehhhhaaa! Let the blogfest begin! Can’t wait, Stuart, and I’m hoping you’re putting up the Youtube Teaser trailer soon. You did an awesome job of it, btw.

    J.C, great to have you on the team, and despite having worked with you in the Stories of Sendai, didn’t know the J in J.C stands for Jin :). I was reading the other stories in the collection on my overnight flight, and I forgot to sleep. Just felt so lucky to be included in the book.


  3. I’m totally late to the party, as usual. These are great interview questions, Stu. My favorite bit about J.C. was that she wrote fan fiction. I sort of kept mine a secret – good to know others did as well. I hope that the Stories For Sendai has been a success, it was a great idea.


    •’s funny, with all the genre crossing I’ve done, I don’t think I’ve ever tried Fan Fic, unless you count the Peaseblossom/Puck story I told a week or so ago. Hmmm…now you two have me wondering what I should try.

      Now let’s see where all the answers lie.


    • Come back on Wednesday, August 31st. All the information will be available. Hope you like it enough to join.

      Take the jump to a change in careers. It’s what I’ve did as well, and it has been the best thing I’ve ever done.


  4. Enlightening interview, Stuart and Jin. And congrats on your marriage and honeymoon. Is that Maylasia. I’m your neighbor in Thailand. I like the idea of the international writing grant. Where do I sign up? Until now, I didn’t know I was a Kung Fu Fighter. I’ve been kicking myself in the butt for years to sit down and write. Wonderful idea of the blog fest. I wish I had the time to take part, but I’ve already has to cut out breakfast, dinner, and bathroom breaks.

    Best of luck with your new writing career, Jin.


  5. Pingback: J.C. Martin, Fighter Writer » Meeting the Bloggers Behind the Blogfest

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