Zenith: Arising (#AtoZChallenge)


The A to Z Challenge : 26 Stories during the month of April

Welcome to… The Apartment Building: Swan Rise

(For Links to ALL the previous stories, CLICK HERE



The wrecking ball wrecked, the explosives exploded, and all the debris was carted away. Stone, bricks, glass, wood, metal piping, aluminum, copper, brass, steel, plastics, rubber hoses, cables and…among the detritus there were also bits and pieces of lives mixed in: slivers of dolls and toys; charred papers that once were whole books,  someone’s thesis or love letters, wills, documents, pictures; cloth that, in some pieces, you could see patterns that illuminated a sun dress or once expensive curtains; some bones, those of the pets that were never found. So much life mired in destruction.

Swan Rise Apartments was no more; really, it hadn’t been for months. The property was condemned: the damage from the explosion and fires were too great. Part of the foundation was in shambles. Inferior piping was found to run through the remaining section of the building, and some of the landings were precarious in any hope of their holding up. The majority of the building inhabitants were not allowed to retrieve their belongings. They all settled, out of court.

Swan Rise fell in November of 2005.

That winter was fierce, and building anything was held off for months as ice storms and heavy snows blanketed the area. There was also litigation for wrongful deaths, finger pointing, bribes not paid, fines not paid, union disputes, haggling over bids, and planning…lots of planning. The real estate was too valuable to leave an empty lot.

Construction began in the early fall of 2006.

The wild life that floated up and down Swan River ignored all the doings. They lived too far away to be inconvenienced beyond the initial blasts. They’d fly over for the morsels that were tossed from workers meals, carelessly done so in the already made squalor. The birds let their presence be known in a number of different ways, many times being cursed out by a construction worker who was “hit.”

For close to two years the area morphed from gravel, dirt, weeds, and the past into a new edifice of metal, concrete and glass. Swan River Road was bustling with traffic, the sprouting of other buildings and businesses growing substantially from 1960. New construction always brought gawkers around, rubberneckers ogled the cranes bringing girders to be placed, and the welding and gluing and mortaring and tarring  brought things to a standstill all too often, much to the chagrin of the other inhabited area.

2008, and a new renamed building was erected, zoned for two extra floors, standing seven stories tall. Taking far longer than anticipated, the building management was chomping at the bit for all the lost revenue. They made it a condo, and had nice down-payments in the bank for all of the apartments by the time the construction was complete. There was a waiting list, and would continue to be one in the years ahead.

The tenants of Mallards Crossing Condominium moved into their new residences.



Author’s Note:

April 2012 comes to a close and this year’s AtoZ Challenge with it. 26 posts about Swan Rise Apartments and its residents. 24 stories; two poems (one free form; one sonnet).

If you were wondering, I wrote 18,032 words during the month; if you add in The Whistler is Dead, it is 18,493 words in length. Not too shabby.

Please note that these stories will be left up only through May 2012.

I will then take them offline as of June 1st, as I plan to put this whole thing through an editors pen and a second “draft.”Quite a lot of the early ones need some fleshing out, especially the two poem posts, so I hope  to bring it over 25,000 words; more, if I get really ambitious.

From there, it will be query letter time.  If an agent or publisher only sees this as tainted goods (already published) then I WILL go the self publishing route, but there will be a lot that was never intended for the AtoZ that I had in mind and little to no time to write. The reaction on the comments and in emails has been so positive that I’d be silly to let this just lie here solely on a blog.

Thank you to all of my readers. You’ve been my “beta” testers, my writing cohort, as I’ve explored this story as you have: day by day. I made many discoveries along the way, and very few of the original titles I “planned” out remained. I never knew there was a murder in the building until I wrote it into one of the stories, a throw-away line that had a life unto itself. Mrs. Beatty was only a small dot to me when I wrote the first story: she became a loved character to many of you (and me as well). So many others in the building took on more weight (Amy came out of nowhere, and I’m glad she did), and a few will get some expansions when I work on this over the summer months.

A big Thank You goes to Lisa Vooght for being my sounding board, playing editor and  finding some of my outright mistakes, and for all of her support. She is an amazing writer in her own right and you should check out her creative fiction blog, Flash Fiction.

I also want to thank Arlee Bird (founder of the blog fest: click on the logo heading this blog post to go to their site) and his co-hosts for running this and giving over 1500 bloggers a chance to spread their wings (and go a little crazy in the process).

I hope you’ve enjoyed this series of interwoven tales. This was both tiring and exciting for me as a writer.

Comments are always welcome, no matter when you read the stories.

Did you have a favorite of the 26? I’d like to know which one(s) were for you and why.

That’s always a big help and a blessing for a writer: feedback.

Thanks all!!!


22 responses »

  1. Oh noooooo, I’m gutted you demolished it, but, a great ending 🙂

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! You must be so pleased with it!!!!! And I’m pleased to hear you’ll be turning into a book, brilliant 🙂

    Good luck with it honey, I really have enjoyed it 🙂

    As for a favourite? Hmmmmm, I haven’t got a favourite story, but I just LOVED Mrs Beatty 🙂



    • Same to you, Adriene. Wonderful poetry this month: you should be very pleased.
      A tour de force? Thank you. Yeah, I need a month to let it sit, then we’ll see where it goes. I had more ideas…now is the time to notate them.


  2. Thank you sweetie for the shoutout. It was my pleasure to give feedback 🙂 The Swan saga was a great idea for the A to Z and deserves to be expanded into a book. I like that you wrapped things up – and named the new incarnation – after the duck couple from Quack, Quack. Congrats on completing the challenge.


  3. Haunting descriptions. Shocked and sad to see the old building come down, but a good way to end the series.

    Quite a feat writing to write a story every day for a month. You ran the gauntlet from endearing to quirky to dark to venomous to eerie to criminal, etc., attacking a different aspect in every story, and keeping your readers wanting more.

    I can’t wait to read the published book.


    • Thanks Penelope. Yeah, the building had to come down. I destroyed it real good 😉

      More to come. I have a number of things I want to add that I did not get a chance to during the AtoZ.


  4. Congratulations on finishing the A-Z Challenge!

    Hmm. A favorite? I’m not sure I have one–the best part (IMO) of the 26 was how they all came together and formed a complete picture of the apartment building.


  5. What a challenge! I can’t really say that I have a favourite -although I really like the end. I admire how you made everything work together. Very impressive. Well done!


  6. I wrote at the beginning of May that I planned to read the whole A-Z before you took the writings down ready for your second draft. I loved it. The concept, the writing and the fleshing out of the characters. All the strands coming together. Good luck with your second draft and wishing you success with finding a publisher. Whether you go the publisher or self publish route, if you want a book review drop me an email.


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