Boots in Distress: #Friday Fictioneers

dadsshoesPHOTO PROMPT submitted by Courtney Wright. © Photographer prefers to remain anonymous.

Clark was sitting just outside of Fishawi. He was on his second cup of strong Arabic coffee. Tonight there was tension in the souk. It bled into him.

Shouting stopped him mid-sip. Suddenly, Clark experienced the bombers.

Clark was thrown forward. Ears ringing, he still heard the screaming.

Dazed, Clark slightly lifted himself up. Blood was flowing, stinging his eyes. He wiped at it.

Blood cleared eyes saw a sad looking pair of old boots right by his head.

“Oh, Sh…” he began, before the blast took him, and the martyr.

Her boots were found upright among the remains.


Author’s Notes:

I guess I’m doing prompt challenges for the time being. The above was a prompt from Addicted to Purple by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields that she calls Friday Fictioneers . The rules for this prompt are simple:

    1. Use the photo on Addicted to Purple as your prompt.
    2. Write a 100 word story, complete with beginning, middle, and end.
    3. Make every word count.
    4. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor of the photo credit.


I had noticed some stories on blogs that I follow were using the same photo. Just reading a bit let me onto this project. I really need to do more blog hopping. I’m so bad at that.

Let’s see where a new prompt will lead me.

38 responses »

  1. Dear Stu,

    Welcome to Friday Fictioneers. FYI, I added you to the link list. Not difficult at all.

    Grisly story. You had me there in the souk.

    I’ll warn you, writing these 100 word stories and interacting with this international community is quite habit forming. I joined 6 years ago as one of the gang and you see where it’s gotten me 😉



    Liked by 2 people

  2. Nice to see you here Stu, I hope you will be back for more. Great take, the image of the boots left standing among all the carnage their wearer has created is a powerful and blackly humerous one.


    • Thanks, Varad. This was the first thing that popped into my mind. Look for the next post (either tonight or tomorrow): came up with a completely different POV that is much lighter. So unlike me. 🙂


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