Creation: #FridayFictioneers



PHOTO PROMPT © Anshu Bhojnagarwala


They were sitting, quietly, before the campfire, as the sun disappeared. The crackling, burning logs popped, accompanied by soft sounds of kisses and breaths.

“Let me tell you a story.”

He nodded, cheek against her head.

“White-Buffalo-Woman told Coyote ‘Selu and Kanati, first woman and man, committed to the Creator and each other. From their union came the people, various, and plenty. Each union grew, from love, need, both.’ Pausing, she said ‘We have loved each other through the ages.’ Coyote said ‘So?…Oh.”

“I guess Coyote was being a clueless guy,” he said. Then “Oh.”

“Yes,” she smiled. “Oh!”

Author’s Note:

It’s #Friday Fictioneers prompt time, as always created and hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields on her blog, Addicted To Purple.

The rules are simple if you’d like to join in:

    1. Use the photo on Addicted to Purple as your prompt (goes up on Wednesday).
    2. Write a 100 word story, complete with beginning, middle, and end.
    3. Make every word count.
    4. It is proper etiquette to give the contributor of the photo credit.
  1. Add the InLinkz button (below) so your readers can find the dozens of other bloggers who have taken up this challenge.

31 responses »

    • Why does anyone who likes mythology like what they like? Not sure I understand. I have told stories of many cultures around the world, or written them, due to my love of it. This was a metaphorical device for the woman to tell the guy what’s going happening. A simple story. Sorry you didn’t like it.


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